SHINE : 12 Weeks To Glow with Confidence
Love Being Who You Are & Feel Confident At What You Do, By Overcoming Self-Doubts & Insecurities.
Service Description
Do you struggle with feeling "less than" other people? Maybe you feel like you aren't "good enough, funny enough, beautiful or talented enough" to be able to shine around others? Or maybe you're a people pleaser seeking constant approval from others to be liked or to avoid conflict? When your insecurities hold you back from enjoying "being all of who you" then you feel like you are living a half life, waiting around n the side-lines and watching everyone else achieve all the great things in life that you REALLY wish you could do. Pushing and shoving yourself along and fighting against your own insecurities just to "get things done" can be exhausting. I see you and I've felt what you're feeling. As an introvert who set up my own company in my early twenties, I've been there too. ❤️ It doesn't have to be this way. Your self-doubt and hesitation have nothing to do with your capability. You ARE good enough to be at your next level. Your brain just holds you back to try to keep you safe. Creating solid plans and strategy steps, learning to de-stress, mastering your fears and building new confidence skills, make levelling up feel much easier. (And exciting 🤩) This 12 week personal program is tailored to your exact needs and includes weekly sessions, focusing on everything you need to overcome self doubts and to feel worthy from the inside out. ✅ Build belief in your own capabilities ✅ Handle overwhelm and triumph over self-doubt & your inner critic ✅ Master assertive communication strategies to get your own way ✅ Learn to say "no" and enforce healthy boundaries to respect yourself ✅ Enjoy socialising and look forward to going out ✅ Feel great about who you are and what you do ✅ Be naturally excited to say yes to new opportunities & events ✅ Make new friendships, start dating comfortably and learn skills to navigate any room with ease Includes weekly rapid change audios (self confidence training made easy). Sit back, relax and listen on repeat to change the way you feel by immersing yourself in a transformative soundscape designed to gently reprogram your subconscious mind. Week by week, these audios are stepping stones to a future where confidence feels as natural to you as breathing: "Speak Up Comfortably In Groups", "Overcome shyness & social Anxiety", Overcome Self Consciousness", "Express opinions happily", "Step Into Confidence in meetings", Enjoy Meeting New People With Ease", "Love Being Yourself", "Master Small Talk" & Much More ❤
Contact Details
Carrer Gran Via, 43, El Toro, Spain